"This book was given to me for free at my request and I provided this voluntary review."
Ok, so this book that I am about to write a review on has been on Amazon's most read books list for about 34 weeks. That intrigued me and I decided to check it out. Now clearly this book is written for women and I had no business picking it up but it's popularity made me forget gender specificity and go for it anyways.
At it's fundamental level this book is a peer-to-peer advise from Rachel Hollis (if you don't know who she is like I didn't, I suggest you Wiki her) to women who are dealing with some unpleasant things that come with being a woman. Ms. Hollis uses examples and events from her own life to show how she dealt with such issues. Although, apart from may be two or three women specific issues, most of the advise can be equally be dispensed to men as well who are trying to better themselves. I personally feel the advise in this book is pretty gender neutral. So if you are looking for some motivation to start out your new year then this book might provide you some.
Overall, it's a quick read and in my opinion almost everybody can relate to the subject matter as it deals with issues such as habits, dealing with childhood trauma, motherhood issues, balancing work and home life, etc.
P.S: Feel free to leave a comment.
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