Friday, October 26, 2018

Oil, Power and War: A Dark History


Oil, Power and War is probably going to be the new definitive history of Oil. I wouldn't say it replaces Daniel Yergin's The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power, a Pulitzer Prize winner but it certainly builds upon Yergin's book with some modifications. For example, Yergin's book talks about the story of Oil till only 1980 and even then only from the perspective of those who were winners in this game. Matthieu Auzanneau's book continues the story up to most recent times and how Oil has been influential in shaping the political and economic environment. Make no mistake even at 600 pages, shorter than Yergin's book at 900 pages it is still full of facts, and who's who and timelines that the reader is better advised to keep track of as he or she moves from page to page. The plethora of characters resembles that of some russian literature say Anna Karenina but if you really read it without extended breaks I am sure you can keep track of them. The chapters are broken down in short topics that keeps it interesting. Needless to say the book takes you all the way from origin of Oil at organic level to its uses and how it has, it is and will probably continue shaping our world's political, cultural, social, industrial and military situation. The oil dubbed Black Gold indeed has been a single most vital natural resource surpassing King Coal to give us the world we inhibit now. It would be hard to find a single entity, a single object that does not have finger prints of petroleum in its origin.
Overall, this book I think is an extension of it's predecessor The Prize and definitely adds way more information on the current situation as it relates to Oil. With that being said if you are deciding to pick up a definitive book on the biography of Oil and its influence, I would recommend you pick up this new book Oil, Power and War as it is most current on the subject. 

Companion book:  Breaking Rockefeller -

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

War on Peace: The End Of Diplomacy And The Decline Of American Influence.


The End of Diplomacy and Decline of American Influence. In this book the author details how the previous and current administration is undermining the state department and favoring military interventions that has only lead to worsening of situation all around the world. Career diplomats are taken our of their roles and pushed towards a work that eventually leads them to quit in despair. Decisions are made who to keep and who to let go based on their political affiliations and not for how influential they are in solving problems abroad. We see a shift in strategy whereby before America used to dominate by diplomacy and now by brute force as is evidenced by more strategic roles going to retired Generals and career military professionals. 

Overall, I think it is a great read for anyone interested in understanding dynamics of diplomacy and specifically those preparing for Foreign Service Examination. As a companion book, I would recommend another book called The American Trajectory by David Ray Griffin.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Weekend warrior

I earned a badge for listening to an audiobook all weekend. Oops, I guess now you know why I skipped on brunch. Join in the fun with a free Audible trial:

Night Owl

So into my audiobook, I couldn't stop listening last night. I'll sleep when I'm dead. Join in the fun with a free Audible trial:

7 Day Stretch

If finishing at least 2 books in a week were so amazing, they'd give out a badge for it. Join in the fun with a free Audible trial:

Friday, October 12, 2018

Way of the Wolf: Become a Master Closer with Straight Line Selling


Jordan Belfort, a master salesman delineates his Straight Line sales technique in this book. If you don't know Jordan Belfort (JB) by now I suggest you watch The Wolf Of The Wallstreet movie before picking up this book to pump yourself up. This book was on my to-read list since it was published and I finally got around reading it. Although not in a sales profession in strictest sense, this book provides valuable insight into art of persuasion as it relates to selling. 5 components of Straight Line system to tackle are:
1. Does your customer like your product?
2. Does he or she trust you?
3. Does he or she trust your company?
4. Logical certainty.
5. Emotional certainty.

Get them close to 10 on a scale and you will close the deal provided the customer is closeable. JB shows you with examples how to do just that in this book. Unlike other books I have read, this one has examples on How-To which helps to understand how one may put those theories in practice.

Overall, this is a good book to read if you are in a sales related profession. It will help you up your game.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Steve Jobs A Biographic Portrait.


Ok so just finished reading this book and I have to say it's pretty concise biography of Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs by Walter Issacson however will remain the definitive biography of Jobs. But if you are looking for something that is 1/3rd the length of Issacson's book, then this is the book you might want to pick up. It's an easy read with scattered photos here and there. Also the book is punctuated with many interesting facts and figures that keeps it interesting. The books lacks depth unlike Issacson's book but that can be good thing for those who want to keep it to the point. That being said I think if you never got a chance or didn't have the  time or courage to pick up Issacson's book, this book might be a good substitute. It's a quick and easy read.

P.S: Special thanks to Quarto Publishing Group - White Lion Publishing for offering me this unpublished copy to review.