What a read.....Simply amazing!!!!
Thank you Alfred A. Knopf and Penguin Random House for sending me this free copy of Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup.
First off, this is the first book I have finished reading in 2 days. I just couldn't put it down. Great investigative journalism by John Carreyrou. The story, the characters, the setting grips you from the beginning until the last page. While I have followed Theranos's story in media, I had no idea it was this bad. It's like a mafia of Silicon Valley startup.
Coming to Elizabeth Holmes, the author in the last paragraph has asked if she is a sociopath, John, in my opinion she is a sociopath. A young girl blinded by money and power taking ex-statesmen like Kissinger, George Schultz, James Mattis and high profile executives of companies like Walgreens and Safeway to a fantasy ride. I am just going to call them dumb asses. How can you not see it? Holmes never showed the technology work in person and everybody was rallying with her. I mean how dumb can you be?????? I found it funny even more pathologic that Elizabeth Holmes was mimicking Steve Jobs when it came to dressing herself up in black turtleneck t-shirt and black slacks. I can buy a Stanford dropout making it big with a tech company. But Elizabeth Holmes was science ill-literate when it came to engineering ( 2 semesters in chemical engineering does not qualify you to next Steve Jobs in laboratory science technology). She may have had a passion but no real knowledge to turn it into practice. Dressing like Steve Jobs and talking in a deep voice does not make you him.
Overall, this is an amazing read. I highly recommend this book to whoever wants to get an inside scoop on the sage of Theranos.
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