Thrilling, sensual, nostalgia provoking story of gunner girls of Chicago of early 20th century that was eventually turned into a Broadway play and a movie called Chicago. Story of Belva Gaertner, Buelah Annan and Wanda Stopa the three of the beautiful gun girls of my hometown Chicago from 1920s who were never convicted of the crimes they committed because of the well during that time you couldn't be convicted if you are beautiful and it was all male jury. The story of these three murderess covered by Maurine Watkins one of the few female crime reporters sheds lights on the social and political times in Chicago during early part of the 20th century. If you are from Chicago or feeling nostalgia pick up this book and enjoy the times of jazz, bootleggers, gangs and of course Chicago's gun girls.
This blog is an attempt to chronicle my reading activity and to share my unbiased reviews of the books I read. I hope to improve visibility for upcoming books on the social media that may benefit the authors and publishers alike. Also it is an attempt to promote regular reading habit in today's ever changing world where one topic can only hold your attention for so long.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir Who Got Trapped in an IKEA Wardrobe
Very entertaining book of a fakir/magician/conman from a small village in Rajasthan, India to France with sideway journeys into various European countries. Entertaining yet thought provoking. Traveling makes your horizons broad and that's what happened to Ajita Shatru the main character in this novel. It does have a Bollywood type end.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Evil: The Science Behind Humanity's Dark Side by Julia Shaw
Is Evil an absolute entity or does it depend on our perspective i.e is it subjective judgement hat we pass related to an act? How do you define Evil? Are some people evil and others by dichotomy not evil? The book Evil: The Science Behind Humanity's Dark Site by Julia Shaw sheds light on these and many more perceived or factual biases against what our society considers Evil. I think we all have evil tendencies but they are sub-clinical that let's us function and be considered "normal" in the eyes of society we dwell in. Overall, this book is a good read and makes a case against evaluating one's own self before compartmentalizing acts as evil or not-evil.
P.S: Thank you ABRAMS book for forwarding me a copy for free in return for my unbiased opinion about this book.
The Age of Shiva
After reading The Death of Vishnu few years ago, I wanted to give this book a shot hoping that Manil Suri will recreate the magic and he has to some extent but this book is not as interesting as The Death of Vishnu. The story of a middle child whose fate is sealed in the form of a marriage the moment she lets her teenage curiosity take her into the arms of her sister's ex-boyfriend. The plot of this novel is so common among Indian families in 1950s-60s that it is easy to relate to the events unfurling as the story goes on.
Saturday, January 5, 2019
This Is Cuba: An American Journalist Under Castro's Shadow
This Is Cuba by David Ariosto offers an in-depth analysis of Cuba from investigative journalistic point of view. Cuba like North Korea has been an object of fascination with it's Soviet Era style administration and life. While North Korea is way more restrictive, Cuba is relatively less restrictive offering anyone with no intentions to interfere in governmental administration a fair chance to visit and experience the "time capsule". While written from personal experience of the author while his stay in Cuba as a journalist for CNN, he goes way beyond the nitty gritty of daily living and delves into the socioeconomic, political and ideological differences that separates it from other nations. Past administrations, the last one being Obama administration has taken first step towards befriending the nation so that both the nations can mutually benefit but the current administration seem to have taken steps back to place both the nation where it was. Who knew Cuba offered medical services to nations suffering from natural disasters or loaned spies to other nations in exchange for money. Who knew that Cuban scientist's are making breakthroughs in biotechnology that US could benefit from. Cuba just 90 miles from the US border is an untapped market for business and cultural exchange and in my opinion steps should be taken to let go of the Cold War era differences. Overall, this book is well-written, is interesting and definitely will add to your fascination for Cuba.
Friday, January 4, 2019
Exit West by Mohsin Hamid
I personally don't think this book was anywhere near Mohsin's A Reluctant Fundamentalist. Story of a couple who leaves behind their hometown to avoid being persecuted by fundamentalists and their journey west eventually ending in the same town after half a century. Mohsin is good at putting characters emotions and the dilemma they face quite well on paper which plays to his strength in drawing a vivid picture of his characters. Overall, it's a good book and if you are to listen the audio version it is about 4 hours long.
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